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Casey Pate

Certified Consultant

(252) 714-8745

My Story

I started using Scentsy when a friend of mine introduced it to me a few months ago. I then purchased my first product which is a Scentsy buddy. I absolutely love Eeyore so I was elated when I found out that he was a Scentsy buddy.
From there, I got a plug in warmer that I keep plugged into my kitchen and I turn it on nightly.

I love the fact that there are a variety of products and fragrances. They are also simple and easy to use as well as clean when the time comes. I joined Scentsy because it was a great way to make new friends and earn extra income.

I am so excited to see where this journey/adventure takes me! It's going to be a fun ride and I cannot wait to see where it goes!

What's warming in my home